Flatirons Parents and Players,

I hope you’ve had a fun and healthy holiday break!
I want you to know we pushed the start of practices back a week to give the travelers time to isolate.
If you traveled over the break, you’ll need to quarantine for at least 7 days with no symptoms or exposures before returning to the team.

We’ve created a new Flatirons calendar that we’ll likely use for the remainder of the season.
Changes and updates will be posted on this calendar.
The link for this calendar is shown below along with instructions for syncing to your phone.
It will not be posted on the website.

 Here is the link to the Flatirons calendar for 2021.

You can just click the link above to see the calendar on your phone or computer.

If you would like to integrate the calendar into your phone’s existing calendar, directions to do that are here:

RMR has drafted an ambitious, tentative tournament schedule.
Friendship tournaments have been eliminated for now.

13 National and 14 National will compete through Power 5, take a break then return for Crossroads.
14 Regional will compete in Power Tournaments 1 through 5.
13 National, 14 Regional and 14 National are registered to compete in the RMR Showdown Tournament.


Thank you for remaining flexible!